Aerith Gainsborough Rebirth Script Comparisons

*These translations were made using both Google Translate and DeepL. If you speak French, German, or Japanese and could provide more accurate translations, please let me know! This will be updated as new scenes are added. Spoiler Warning!! Scene: Heading towards Costa del Sol, Tifa and Aerith talk in storageThe change here is the other … Continue reading Aerith Gainsborough Rebirth Script Comparisons

Aerith Gainsbourough Remake Script Comparison

These translations were made using both Google Translate and DeepL. If you speak French, German, or Japanese and could provide more accurate translations, please let me know! This will be updated as new scenes are added. Scene: Cloud and Aerith's Rooftops (after Reno)English is the only localization that added Aerith cussing. Cussing is not a … Continue reading Aerith Gainsbourough Remake Script Comparison