Legacy Cast DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Below is the petition to ask Square Enix to include the Legacy Cast (FFVII Compilation voice actors) along with keeping the Remake Cast! We are not asking to replace the new cast, we are asking Square Enix to release an optional voice pack DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Remake that we are willing to purchase.

The minimum signature goal of the petition is to have 10,000 signatures while the main goal is to have at least 15,000 or more!

If you are uncomforable with signing your own name/ feel free to sign with a username or alias!

Signing the petition is not a commitment to anything, it simply shows you are intrested in the Legacy Cast DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Click the link below to sign the petition!

Sign the Petition

Spread the Word

If you are an influencer of any sorts, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc, we kindly ask for you to spread the word about the Legacy Cast DLC Campaign to your followers by making a post, video, or whatever you’d like! We also encourage fans to respectfully contact relevent news outlets to share the campaign.

Remember, we do not approve of any discourse over replacing the voice cast, we only wish to add the Legacy Cast voicing option. We respect both the Remake cast and the Legacy cast and do not wish any ill feelings or poor intentions. Be kind and compassionate as your words and behavior reflect on the Legacy Cast!

Twitter Hashtag Campaign

If you would like to also join the fans in bringing this campaign to Square Enix’s attention, we are using the hashtags #ReleaseLegacyCastDLC and #OperationReunion on Twitter!

Our goal is to unite the fanbase and show Square Enix that fans would appreciate the option to also play Final Fantasy 7 Remake with the Legacy Cast as optional, paid DLC.

Our group is called Operation Reunion because we want to reunite the voice actors to their characters, both the Remake and the Legacy. Let’s make that happen!

To learn more about the potential reason the cast changed, check out our Articles

Follow us on Twitter to join the campaign!