Aerith Gainsborough Rebirth Script Comparisons

*These translations were made using both Google Translate and DeepL. If you speak French, German, or Japanese and could provide more accurate translations, please let me know! This will be updated as new scenes are added. Spoiler Warning!! Scene: Heading towards Costa del Sol, Tifa and Aerith talk in storageThe change here is the other … Continue reading Aerith Gainsborough Rebirth Script Comparisons

Barret Wallace Rebirth Script Comparison

These translations were made using both Google Translate and DeepL. If you speak French, German, or Japanese and could provide more accurate translations, please let me know! This will be updated as new scenes are added. Spoiler Warning! Scene: Corel Town Flashback with Barret and DyneThe English scene is changed as instead of speaking of … Continue reading Barret Wallace Rebirth Script Comparison

Zack Fair Rebirth Script Comparisons

These translations were made using both Google Translate and DeepL. If you speak French, German, or Japanese and could provide more accurate translations, please let me know! This will be updated as new scenes are added. Spoiler Warning!! Scene: Nibelheim FlashbackThis change is significant because the English localization adds a relationship between Aerith and Zack … Continue reading Zack Fair Rebirth Script Comparisons

Tifa Lockhart Rebirth Script Comparisons

*These translations were made using both Google Translate and DeepL. If you speak French, German, or Japanese and could provide more accurate translations, please let me know! This will be updated as new scenes are added. Spoiler Warning!! Scene: Tifa calling out to Cloud on the bridge in the Life StreamCharacterization Change All rights belong … Continue reading Tifa Lockhart Rebirth Script Comparisons

Steve Burton Replaced as Cloud Strife in Chocobo GP?!

Square Enix has launched the new Mario Kart style game Chocobo GP for Nintendo Switch and while it is getting quite the hype from its aggressive microtransaction, there is something that we noticed about Cloud Strife, a character that can be unlocked by purchasing the season pass: Steve Burton is not voicing this character but … Continue reading Steve Burton Replaced as Cloud Strife in Chocobo GP?!

Cody Christian Interview: Did Steve Burton Really Pass the Torch?

A new interview surfaced from September 2, 2020 centering around Cody Christian and his journey in voicing Cloud. How is it that someone who was fired from a project "pass the torch" willingly? Interview: In the interview, Christian states something that is quite alarming considering all the information that has come out concerning … Continue reading Cody Christian Interview: Did Steve Burton Really Pass the Torch?

Kitase’s Reasoning for Firing the FF7R Cast: A PR Cover-up?

Disclaimer: Operation Reunion is asking for Square Enix to include an optional DLC of the Legacy Cast so fans can enjoy the game with both the Remake cast and the Legacy Cast, we are not advocating for the removal of the new cast In a recent interview released by IGN, Final Fantasy 7 Remake producer … Continue reading Kitase’s Reasoning for Firing the FF7R Cast: A PR Cover-up?

10 Fun Facts About Paul Eiding

Paul Eiding (Hojo) On top of being a voice actor, Eiding is also a voice instructor.Eiding has cosplayed as his Metal Gear Solid character Roy Campbell before. Paul Eiding's Cosplay of Roy Campbell He guest starred in a 1986 episode of Cheers as Fred Anderson.He starred in the original Lion King as various hyenas. He also … Continue reading 10 Fun Facts About Paul Eiding