Square Enix has launched the new Mario Kart style game Chocobo GP for Nintendo Switch and while it is getting quite the hype from its aggressive microtransaction, there is something that we noticed about Cloud Strife, a character that can be unlocked by purchasing the season pass: Steve Burton is not voicing this character but instead Cody Christian, Cloud’s Final Fantay 7 Remake voice actor.

Square Enix

When the recasting was announced back at E3 in June 2019, it was stated that the Legacy Cast/Compilation voice actors would still voice their respective character in everything that was not Final Fantasy 7 Remake and the recast was ONLY for Final Fantasy 7 Remake. 

Maximilian Dood spoke of this decision in his stream after he was invited to the Square Enix closed door press conference at E3 in 2019 which can be viewed here 

News sources were also stating this decision to have the Compilation actors continue to voice the characters

Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/final-fantasy-vii-remake-cloud-voice-cast/

Source: https://www.pcgamesn.com/final-fantasy-7-remake/new-voice-cast

So where is Steve Burton and why is he not voicing Cloud Strife in this non-Final Fantasy 7 Remake game? There is only one theory fans are talking about.

Sources listed throughout article

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